Runar is excited. Tomorrow he is flying down to Germany to pick up his “new” used motorhome and drive it back to Sweden. As I interview him, part of the Scanreco warehouse is being moved to another floor due to expanding demand and the need for additional production space. Being responsible for incoming and outgoing deliveries from the warehouse, he seems surprisingly calm in the temporary chaos that surrounds us.
“Something happens here every day, it is never boring”, he says with a Norwegian upbeat accent. He is from Oslo and worked there for a global company for 20 years. Eventually the company moved its head office to Stockholm, and he moved along with it. He was working as a System Specialist, responsible for the logistics. Why did he leave that company for Scanreco?
“I had a chance to change the logistics here from paper and pen and make it fully digital. Scanreco management really listens to and trusts its employees , which gives me freedom to explore new processes and technology. There is also an understanding that you have a life outside your job.” His children are pre teens and young teens and travelling with the motorhome is a family passion.
How is his job measured?
“Well as long as we keep up with deliveries into our shop floor and incoming goods everybody is happy. But we do quantifiably measure the accuracy of what is delivered as well. Changing into digital handling made a huge difference, of course. As we gather components according to customer’s order and put them together into assembly kits we need to handle some administration too.
I ask him how many parts and components Scanreco has in its warehouse and his answer is
“Good question… my guess is between 25-35 thousand articles.”
Where is he going to be in five years from now?
“Here, I think!” Runar answers with a big smile. “I enjoy this workplace a lot, we are in a growing phase and I can develop the job and myself.”
He then disappears into the chaos and the next day when I go into the warehouse to pick up something I left behind, there is a new warehouse in order on the new floor and all employees are back to normal pace. It feels like ants that just moved their nest. Who can stop them?