The G6 Platform

The stage is yours

Hero G6 Platform

The G6 Platform is your possibility to create a truly tailored remote for your machine

The platform is available in two sizes: Micro and Mini. Pick and choose levers, joysticks, buttons, switches and leds – and place them where you want them. Add buttons to the sides and pick a convenient position for the stop button. SISP™ is included and your designer helps you with the details.

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10 steps to design a great remote control with G6

All to often it is too easy to supply a suggestion and price, without making the analysis on what the customer really needs and what kind of pains and challenges the end customer is struggling with on the existing machine control solution. Let’s change this.

Scanreco Integrated Safety Platform

The Safest remote control platform in the world?

How do you design a solution to meet high levels of functional safety? At Scanreco we call our solution SISPTM (Scanreco Integrated Safety Platform). A first of its kind modular safety solution invented by Scanreco in accordance with IEC 61508 and ISO 13849-1 safety standards.

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